County Liquor Licensing (OLCC)
Start here to begin the OLCC application process: OLCC: An Overview of the Licensing Process.
County Liquor License Application/Renewal Form (OLCC)
$100 New application
$75 Change in ownership, location, or privilege
$35 Annual renewal
Complete the COUNTY FORM. Send or bring it to the Health Department with your payment. Applications must be received prior to payment. We recommend using our online payment system for quickest processing.
Email to: Allison Bonato-Garcia, then Pay Online or Call 503-842-3943 to make a payment via credit card.
Fax to: Attn Allison, 503-842-3983; then Pay Online or Call 503-842-3943 to make a payment via credit card.
Bring to: Tillamook County Public Health, 2211 8th St, Tillamook (entrance on 8th St, next door to Main Clinic); Pay Online or in person with a Credit or Debit card, check, or cash (exact change only)
Mail to: Tillamook County Environmental Health, PO Box 489, Tillamook, OR 97141 (mail is currently not reliably arriving in a timely manner so is NOT recommended)
If you have sent in or made a payment but have not submitted the County Form, we still need to receive this form before we can process your application.
For a new or modified permit, send or bring the STATE OLCC LOCAL GOVERNMENT RECOMMENDATION FORM. Your application WILL NOT BE PROCESSED without this.
Your application will be sent to various departments to be processed. The information will then be advertised in the Headlight Herald for one week. The week after publication is a time for public comment. After one week of awaiting public comment, it will go before the Commissioners at their next Board meeting for approval.
This process takes THREE TO FOUR WEEKS, as the application must be routed through a number of departments, and the paper only publishes once a week. Please be sure to give yourself plenty of time for your application to be processed. Tillamook County is in District 2, with an expiration date of March 31. The new State OLCC CAMP system requires the County to provide a recommendation by January 15, so renewal applications will be due December 15 to ensure time for processing and approval.
If you have questions, please contact Allison Bonato-Garcia at 503-842-3943 or email.
OLCC State Alcohol Service Permits & Server Education
9079 SE McLoughlin Blvd.
Portland, OR 97222
Phone: (503) 872-5000
Toll-Free: (800) 452-6522
Port of Astoria #10, Pier 1 Building, Suite #302
Astoria, OR 97103
Phone: (503) 325-4029
Fax: (503) 325-4362