Welcome! ¡Bienvenidos!
Our Dental Team (left to right): Dr. Benanti (dentist), Jennifer (expanded practice dental hygienist), Thalia (care coordinator), Ryleigh (dental assistant), Juanita (care coordinator, bilingual), Lizzy (dental assistant), Dawna (dental manager), Amy (care coordinator) and Sandra (care coordinator, bilingual).
Taking care of your teeth is just as important as taking care of your body.
Here is some news to smile about: comprehensive dental services for the entire family!
Serving uninsured patients, Oregon Health Plan, Open card and CareOregon Dental members. Our highly experienced and professional dental care team is here to protect your smile and keep you healthy. We can’t wait to meet you and the whole family!
What We Offer:
- Experienced primary care dental provider – common types of care include, basic dental needs such as annual routine exams, cleanings, X-rays, fluoride varnish and sealants for children and youth under age 16.
- Collaborative planning – our providers will closely work with you to create a treatment plan for your dental needs such as, fillings, limited extractions, and referrals if specialty dental care is needed.
- Care Coordination – our dental care coordinator care team is here to assist in making this process as smooth as possible.

Cuidar los dientes es tan importante como cuidar el cuerpo.
Aquí hay una noticia para sonreír: ¡servicios dentales integrales para toda la familia!
Atendemos a pacientes sin seguro, a los miembros del Oregon Health Plan, Open card y de CareOregon Dental. Nuestro equipo de atención dental altamente experimentado y profesional está aquí para proteger su sonrisa y mantenerlo saludable. ¡No podemos esperar a conocer a usted y toda la familia!
Lo que ofrecemos:
- Proveedor dental de atención primaria con experiencia – los tipos de atención comunes incluyen, necesidades dentales básicas como exámenes anuales de rutina, limpiezas, radiografías, barniz de flúor y sellantes para niños y jóvenes menores de 16 años.
- Planificación colaborativa – nuestros proveedores trabajarán estrechamente con usted para crear un plan de tratamiento para sus necesidades dentales como, empastes, extracciones limitadas y remisiones si se necesita atención dental especializada.
- Coordinación de la atención: nuestro equipo de coordinadores de atención dental está aquí para ayudar a que este proceso sea lo más sencillo posible.

Contact Us
- 805 Ivy Ave, Suite B Tillamook OR, 97141
Hours: Monday - Friday 7am - 6pm PST
Dr. Itzel Romero, DDS
Dr. Romero’s passion for serving underserved communities has led her to providing dental services for the past ten years. She has served as a dental volunteer, dental assistant, and as a dentist. She attended dental school at the University of Texas School of Dentistry in Houston and received her Doctor of Dental Surgery degree. Dr. Romero’s favorite aspect of working in dentistry is having the opportunity to establish relationships with patients and educating on oral care and the importance of overall oral health and wellbeing.
Jennifer Allbright, EPDH
Jennifer Allbright is an expanded-practice dental hygienist with an Associate of Applied Science Dental Hygiene degree from Lane Community College. She started her career as a dental assistant and quickly realized her compassion for others and her skillset could help more people if she were to serve as a dental hygienist. Jennifer has experience caring for patients of all ages and strives to make her patients feel valued and supported in all aspects of life.
Treatment that can keep teeth strong and healthy.
Coating placed on teeth to help prevent decay.
Dentists are expected to recognize the extent of the treatment needs of their patients, when complex treatment is needed or if you have a complicated medical history your general dentist may want you to see a specialist.