Behavioral Health
“Our Mission…
To Promote and Protect the Health of ALL People in Tillamook County”

What is Behavioral health?
Behavioral health provides patients with the opportunity to consult a professional social worker or counselor. This service includes brief interventions and care models which support both integrated and holistic health. Our behavioral health team communicates with primary care providers, medical assistants, nurses, specialists, health educators, and other community resources. Our team can support you to be healthy and happy by providing the right care and services for you and your recovery. Patients receive high-quality primary care with behavioral health services to help them cope with issues such as stress, depression, substance use disorders, and problems resulting from living with a chronic physical health condition. Behavioral health is a short-term consultation and is not intended to be long-term, intensive psychotherapy. We strive to provide services to all patients using trauma-sensitive approaches, acknowledging that we all come to this place with our own histories, experiences, and perspectives.
Approximately 15- 30 minutes and follow ups are scheduled anywhere from every two weeks, once a month, once every six months. Follow ups are to check-in on goals, set new goals, and problem solve.
Anyone who is experiencing difficulties with a chronic condition such as Diabetes, Obesity, Migraines, Hypertension,and Chronic Pain. We also work with individuals with other conditions such as Fatigue, Pregnancy, Post-Partum, Sleep Concerns, Chest Pain, Depression, Anxiety, Substance use disorders which includes Opioid use disorders, and Stress reduction.
No, we do not. We do work with your primary care provider if you need assistance or coordination.
We do not refuse services to anyone in the clinic. We provide translators during sessions to help communicate effectively, and we have access to other interpreters if needed (Deaf and Hard of hearing services, etc.).
This depends on if you have insurance coverage, (private pay, or OHP), or if you are self-pay. We do have a sliding fee scale. We do not refuse services based on inability to pay.
- Addiction services and Substance Use:
- Online recovery meetings, local Tillamook County and non-local.
- SAMHSA Virtual Recovery: 1877-726-4727
- The Oregon Recovery Network – online resources
Additional support – join the private Facebook page “Tillamook County Recovery Community.” One has to be invited to the page to access it. Please call 503-801-236 to request.
- Crisis and Support:
- Dual Diagnosis Anonymous: online meeting schedule
- Helping Children Cope – online resource
- National Alliance for Mentally Ill (NAMI)-
- National Suicide Prevention Lifeline – 800-273 TALK(8255);
- Oregon Senior Peer Outreach: 1800-736-4676
- SAMHSA Disaster Distress Hotline: 1800-985-5990
- Senior Loneliness Line: 503- 200-1633
- Tides of Change: 503-842-9486
- The Friendship Line – 1800-971-001